Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Happiness is...

the following...

MY NEW JOB!!! I'll be a 1st and 2nd grade reading aid at this amazing school. I'm SO happy. Love the beautiful campus, and the friendly and smart faculty. The head of school is really amazing and I've enjoyed meeting with everybody so far at the school. I start Monday!

I was just leaving my friend Lauren's new house on the upper-east side of town in NYC on Friday when I checked my voicemail. I was expecting a call back from Langley because I'd interviewed with them several weeks prior, but I knew it was taking some time to get in touch with all my references. However, the position that I interviewed for was just an afterschool counselor position (it was all they had available). So, I call the director of academics back immediately and she tells me there's been some personnel changes (someone moved) and she offers me the position (as described above) right away. I accept the position right away. I can't even tell you what a weight was immediately lifted off my shoulders. I was elated all weekend. I LOVE this school.

And it may just be that my boyfriend in the 6th grade is a science teacher in the lower school (it's K-8). He was my first kiss. He's married now though, so no awkwardness.

And continuing my list of happiness...

Crisp air that fall in VA brings. How I love fall.

Walking across the Brooklyn Bridge.

Indian food. Specifically chicken tikka masala and specifically restaurants in Murray Hill (NYC lower eastside).

Clear skin. I've discovered Philosophy's Purity. I really think it's got to be what's turned my skin around.

When pants feel lose. This hasn't happened in awhile. It's okay. I'll get it back.

My nieces and nephew yelling my name and running to hug me when I arrive at their house.

Sweet potato chips. LOVE.

Panera's Tomato Basil Soup

Trader Joe's Kettlecorn. It'll change your life. I love having it for movie night. And any other time.


Sokphal said...

Congrats Meredith!!! You sound SOOO happy! I'm glad that everything is working out for you! I am going to try that Philosophy stuff once my cleanser runs out in a few weeks! :)

- A said...


Sierra said...

yea! I'm so excited about this. good luck!

Sister Tara Bowen said...

Way to go:). My mom went to "Little Langley" and loved it and my aunt's mom taught there forever (Karen Thompson). I looked at the website and the head of school is probably related to me. My grandma, Carolyn, is a Cottam, and we're related to every Cottam we've ever met. I'm so happy for you and I love that you're connected to NYC and Northern VA, two of my favorites. Have you seen Troy and Breezy yet? I don't know which ward they're in... but they just moved to Falls Church.

alexandra said...

I am so happy for you Meredith! That sounds like a wonderful job. I know the headmaster sort of. Parent of a woman in my old ward.