Sunday, July 19, 2009


I've finished my first week at my new job. It is such a relief not to have to babysit almost 20 3-year-olds all day. I was just getting too burned out. So, now I wake up and go hang out at a toy store all day. It's actually pretty great. I don't know how long term it will be (I just am not making enough to be a legit person in adulthood), but for a little while it's fine.

So, I was hired to plan and teach the classes that they offer at the store. I only taught one class this week. These classes will be increasing; however right now we are in the middle of a large expansion of our store (into another location just two doors down on the strip of stores). The present location will have baby items and go up to age 3, while the other store will have 4-9 year-old items.

I'm new and have a lot to learn just about how the store is run, so I have to learn from all my high school/college age part-timer coworkers. There is one girl that's 27, I think. They are really ridiculous and it just makes me really glad that I'm not that age anymore and that high school is a one-time deal. They actually might drive me crazy.

I really did like one brief conversation with my coworkers. It was on the lines of personal hygiene. This girl said that one time she "really needed to take a shower," so she managed to go home and shower and get back in a 30 minute time period (showering was that necessary). She went on to explain that she had just been really busy and etc. I liked this phrase, because I think it's something that we all have experienced, but never really admit openly. We KNOW when we are dirty and need to shower. Personal hygiene is a difficult one, and this is basically the direction the conversation took. Another coworker was present during this conversation and she says to him, "Oh, but you are probably doing good now [with personal hygiene] because you have a girlfriend." So, does it take a boyfriend/girlfriend for us to be really mindful of personal hygiene? I'm not saying I follow this line of thought, I just think it's funny that sometimes it's really difficult to make sure you shower regularly; however, adults (except for me) don't seem to really struggle with this. Maintenance is such an ordeal! A girl's got so much to do. My friend, Katie, talks about people that "never look dirty." Because there are those people in the world. My sister's one of them, probably.

And, with that I'm off to get my beauty sleep (as my brother-in-law called it the other day).

1 comment:

Sierra said...

I really worry about Alli because she hates personal hygeine more than the rest of us, I think. She cries every time I make her brush her teeth, her hair, wash her hair, bathe... you know the regulars. You'd think I was causing her bodily harm or something.